Evolution and Selection Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: microevolution : change in frequencies of alleles in a population across generations, macroevolution : pattern of evolution at or above the species level, survivorship : probability of offspring surviving to age of reproduction, fecundity : number of offspring, relatedness : percent of the genome passed to offspring, population : a group of individuals of a single species that live in the same area at the same time, selection : non-random mechanisms systematically result in individuals with a particular phenotypes having greater relative fitness than others, natural : a type of selection caused by the environment, sexual : a type of selection caused by competition for mates, artificial : a type of selection in which humans select individuals to mate within other species, adaptation : a heritable feature that has been shaped by natural selection that increases survivorship and/or fecundity, altruism : a trait (behavior) that tends to decrease the direct fitness of the individual while increasing the fitness of others, inclusive : a type of fitness that incorporates both direct and indirect fitness, disruptive : mode of selection which favors individuals at both extremes of a trait.