Bacteria, Protists and Fungi Crossword Puzzle
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- aerobic bacteria : bacteria that requires oxygen to grow
- binomial nomenclature : a two-part scientific naming system
- species : a group of organisms that resemble one another that mate to create fertile offspring
- pseudopodia : extensions of an amoeba used to capture and engulf food
- taxonomy : the science of classifying living things
- microorganism : a life form to small to see without a microscope
- antibiotic : a chemical that kills bacteria or prevents them from reproducing
- scientific name : a two-word name derived from binomial nomenclature (genus, species)
- kingdom : a group of similar phyla
- hyphae : thin filaments that make the body of fungi
- common name : a word used to describe many similar species
- phytoplankton : small, photosynthetic organism that floats and drifts near ocean's surface
- saprophyte : an organism that gets its nourishment from dead and decaying organisms
- heterotroph : an organism that can not make its own food, must eat other living things
- cilia : short, hair like structures used for movement and sourcing food
- binary fission : reproduction of a single-cell organism that grows and splits into two complete organisms
- mycology : the study of fungi
- domain : a taxonomic category above the kingdom level
- protist : a eukaryotic organism that cannot be classified as a fungus, plant or animal
- flagella : whip like structure used for movement of protists
- protozoan : single-celled eukaryotes that move and are heterotrophs
- autotroph : an organism that makes its own food using energy from sunlight or inorganic compounds
- parasite : an organism that feeds on other organisms
- mycelium : a tangled mass of hyphae