Biomedicine - Cyolotogy Crossword Puzzle

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  • metabolism : the sum of all chemical processes in the body
  • differentiation : development of a cell into a specialised state
  • homeostasis : the maintenance of a stable internal environment
  • free radical : an unstable & highly reactive molecule missing an electron
  • cytosol : basic water fluid inside a cell
  • cytoplasm : all content inside a cell excluding the nucleus
  • nucleus : spherical structure inside the cell containing the body's genetic information
  • cytoskeleton : a network of protein filaments that extend throughout the inside of the cell
  • mitrochondria : organelle that generates atp
  • ribosomes : organelles that synthesise proteins
  • golgi apparatus : organelle that modifies, sorts, packages + transports proteins
  • lysosomes : organelles that break down and digest molecules and old organelles
  • somatic : name for a normal body cell
  • gamete : name for a sex cell
  • mitosis : reproductive process of body cells
  • meiosis : process by which sex cells are formed
  • haploid : nucleus containing 23 chromosomes
  • diploid : nucleus containing 46 chromosomes
  • zygote : fertilised egg formed by the fusion of an ovum & sperm
  • diffusion : movement of small substances from high to low concentration
  • osmosis : passive movement of water
  • extracellular matrix : formed of ground substances & protein fibres making up the space between cells
  • fibroblast : cell that secrete protein fibres
  • adipocyte : a cell that stores fat
  • goblet : cell that produces & secretes mucus