Bacterial Cell Structure Crossword Puzzle
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- slimelayer : unorganized layer of material lying outside of a bacterial or archaeal cell wall, may aid in motility
- lipopolysaccharides : exists in the outer membrane of gram negative bacteria
- peptidoglycan : rigid structure lying outside the plasma membrane, there are two types based on gram stain
- flagella : threadlike appendages that extend outward from the plasma membrane and cell wall that aid in motility
- plasmolysis : process in which water osmotically leaves a cell causing the cytoplasm to shrivel
- glycocalyx : composed of the capsule and slime layer, aids in attachment to solid surfaces
- capsule : layer of well organized material lying outside of the plasma membrane, most commonly composed of polysaccharides
- stator : contains mota and motb proteins, forms channel through plasma membrane through which protons flow
- techoicacid : polymers of glycerol joined by phosphate groups, help maintain cell envelope in gram positive bacteria
- peptide : type of bond that confers strength in the y direction, gives elasticity
- plasmid : small, closed, circular extrachromosomal dna found in bacteria, archaea, and some fungi
- exoenzyme : secreted by gram positive bacteria and aids in degradation of large nutrients
- glycosidic : type of bond that confers strength in the x direction, connects sugars in glycan chain
- ftsz : component of bacterial cytoskeleton that forms ring during septum formation in cell division