Alterations in the Circulation of Blood Crossword Puzzle

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Alterations in the Circulation of Blood Crossword Puzzle

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  • echocardiography : a cardiac assessment tool that uses ultra-high frequency sound waves to produce cardiac images
  • obstructive : a classification of heart defects where blood exiting the heart meets resistance
  • polycythemia : a compensatory elevation in rbc production and concentration
  • transpositoin : a heart defect where the great arteries are transposed
  • coarctation : a condition where a localized portion of the aorta is narrowed
  • sildenafil : a medication that relaxes vascular smooth muscle in the wall of blood vessels
  • cardiacoutput : the volume of blood ejected by the heart in 1 minute
  • hypoxemia : clinical consequence of congenital heart defects usually caused by a right to left shunt
  • mixed : a classification of heart defects where many cardiac anomalies occur together
  • eight : the # of weeks gestation at which the heart is completely formed
  • electrocardiography : a cardiac assessment tool used to measure the electrical activity of the heart
  • fetal : a preterm type of circulation that directs maximum concentrations of blood to the most vital organs
  • clubbing : bulbous swelling of the terminal phalanges of the fingers and toes
  • digoxin : a cardiac glycoside that has specific effects on the heart muscle (myocardium)
  • atrial : a septal defect between the filling chambers of the heart
  • preload : a co determinant having to do with the stretch of the sarcomeres during diastole
  • increased : a classification of heart defects where pulmonary blood flow is too high
  • contractility : a co determinant having to do with the efficiency of the myocardial as an effective pump
  • ventricular : a septal defect between the pumping chambers of the heart