Cell Membranes Crossword Puzzle

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Cell Membranes Crossword Puzzle

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  • phospholipid: the main component of membranes.
  • cholesterol: maintains stability and regulates fluidity of the membrane.
  • glycolipid: a lipid with a carbohydrate group attached.
  • glycoprotein: a protein with a carbohydrate group attached.
  • channel protein: allows small molecules to pass through the membrane by facilitated diffusion.
  • carrier protein: allows molecules to pass through the membrane by facilitated diffusion or active transport.
  • saturated: a fatty acid tail with other single carbon to carbon bonds.
  • unsaturated: a fatty acid tail with at least one carbon to carbon double bond.
  • intrinsic: a protein that is found within the bilayer.
  • extrinsic: a protein that is found on one side of the bilayer.
  • diffusion: passive movement of molecules down a concentration gradient.
  • active transport: movement of molecules against a concentration gradient using atp.
  • osmosis: movement of water molecules down a water potential gradient through a partially permeable membrane.
  • exocytosis: movement of a substance out of the cell using vesicles.
  • isotonic: when two solutions have the same water potential.
  • hypertonic: when a solution has a lower water potential than the other.
  • hypotonic: when a solution has a higher water potential that the other.