Cancer & Genetic Manipulation Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: cancer : this abnormal growth of cells often results in a mass of cells called a tumor, apoptosis : this refers to programmed cell death, which is something that cancer cells fail to do, angiogenesis : this is the cancer-cell-stimulated formation of new blood vessels to a tumor, which bring it nutrients and oxygen, metastasis : this refers to the invasion of other tissues by cancer cells, which allows for the establishment of tumors at new sites in the body, proto oncogenes : these normal genes code for proteins that promote normal cell division and the normal cell cycle, oncogene : this is a proto-oncogene with a dna mutation that lacks the ability to correctly code for the proteins that regulate normal cell division, cell division : cells with oncogenes overly engage in this, tumour suppressor : this type of gene codes for proteins that promote the ending of mitosis, smoking : participating in this, either actively or passively, is a major cause of lung cancer, blood : these types of cancers do not produce tumors, germline : these mutations can cause breast and ovarian cancers, acquired cancers : these are cancers such as colon, skin and lung cancer, (which are more common than germline cancers), and result from a build up of mutations over time, cloning : this is the production of identical copies of genes, cells or organisms through asexual means, plasmid : this is a small accessory ring of dna in bacteria, vector : both plasmids and viruses can act as this, which inserts foreign dna into a host cell, transgenic organisms : these organisms have had a foreign gene inserted into them, transgenic bacteria : these are used to produce: insulin and human growth hormone, transgenic plants : these plants can have pest resistance, or they can produce human hormones, clotting factors, and antibodies in their seeds, transgenic animals : these animals may produce drugs in their milk to treat cystic fibrosis, cancer, and blood diseases, gene therapy : inserts gene material into human cells to treat disorders.