Technology Revision Crossword Puzzle

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  • engineers : people who design bridges and dams
  • gravity : all structures have a centre of _ .
  • environment : construction can have a big impact on the _ .
  • manmade : structures that are made by human beings
  • torsion : to twist, or being twisted
  • natural : a bird's nest is an example of a _ structure
  • stability : the size of the base adds this to a structure
  • structure : something that is made of many parts
  • struts : beams that resist compression
  • solid : mountains are examples of _ structures
  • skeleton : frame structure that supports the body
  • shell : a structure that encloses and protects
  • triangulation : used to strengthen a frame structure
  • tension : being stretched tight
  • load : a structure is designed to support this
  • cellphone : tower that was built as part of grade 7 technology project
  • bridge : a structure that spans a gap
  • appearance : the visual impression a building makes