Outer, Middle, & Inner Ear Crossword Puzzle

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Outer, Middle, & Inner Ear Crossword Puzzle

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  • impedance : function of middle ear = _ matching
  • horizontal : the external auditory canal is more _ in children than in adults
  • cerumen : another word for earwax
  • time : phase difference between sounds arriving at the left and right ears = interaural _ difference
  • intensity : used for high frequencies; where the wavelength is less than head size = interaural _ difference
  • mechanical : mode of middle ear = _ vibration
  • protection : function of outer ear (starts with p)
  • concha : shell-shaped structure of the outer ear
  • incus : articulates with stapes in a true ball and socket joint
  • air : mode of outer ear = _ vibration
  • pinna : what we refer to as "the ear;" another word for auricle