Flower Anatomy Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: filament : structure that holds up the anther, perfect: flower with both stamens and pistils, imperfect: flower that is staminate or pistillate, sepals : green leaf-like structure that protects the flower bud, stamen : male part of the flower, staminate : flowers that have male parts and no female parts, stigma : sticky tissue at the end of the pistil that is receptive to pollen, ovary : holds the eggs, pistillate : a flower that has female parts and no male parts, pollen : contains plant sperm, petals : usually colorful leaf-life structures that attract pollinators, incomplete: flower that is missing sepals, corolla : fused petals, complete : flower with stamens, pistils, sepals, and stamens, calyx : sepals are fused together, style : structure that holds up the stigma, pollination : when pollen from one flower lands on the stigma of a compatible flower, anther : structure that holds pollen, pistil : female part of the flower