Chromatography Crossword Puzzle

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Chromatography Crossword Puzzle

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  • fourier : large resolution and m/z range but very expensive (type of mass analyzer)
  • capacity : the _ factor k' is the time spent in the stationary phase/time spent in the mobile phase
  • ultraviolet : liquid chromatography detector
  • charge : ion-chromatography separates molecules based off their _ .
  • resolving : you want to look at this type of power when buying a mass spectrometer
  • parent : the _ peak tells the molar mass in a mass spectrometer.
  • fab : dissolves in glycerol
  • temperature : an important part of getting the analyte through the column (gc)
  • gradient : creating a _ can be good for pulling off molecules faster in hplc (think mixing)
  • quadrapole : electrodes will pulse between positive and negative and move the sample at a certain rate. separates by radio frequency.
  • isocratic : when you keep one solvent through the entire run (iso...)
  • flow : you can increase or decrease the _ rate to make a better separation in hplc.
  • polar : you want this type of solvent for hplc
  • gas : mobile phase is this in gc
  • plates : equation to determine theoretical _ (n=(tr/w.5)^2