Darwin's Theory of Evolution Crossword Puzzle

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Darwins Theory of Evolution Crossword Puzzle

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  • genetic : at the molecular level, the universal _ code and homologous molecules provide evidence of common descent.
  • malthus : economist thomas _ reasoned that if human population grew unchecked, there wouldn't be enough living space and food for everyone.
  • variation : the difference between individual in a species is called _ .
  • radioactive : _ dating indicates the earth is about 4.5 billion years old.
  • species : darwin published his theory on evolution in the book: on the origin of _ .
  • evolution : the process of change over time is called _ .
  • vestigial : a/an _ structure is a structure that is inherited from ancestors but has lost much or all of its original function.
  • galapagos : during his travels, darwin studied species on the _ islands.
  • finch : the grants have documented that natural selection takes place in wild _ populations frequently and sometimes rapidly.
  • artificial : in _ selection, nature provides the variation, and humans select those they find useful.
  • change : variation within a species increases the likelihood the species will survive environmental _ .
  • analogous : body parts that share a common function, but not structure are called _ structures.
  • habitats : darwin noticed that different yet related animal species often occupied different _ within a local area.
  • beaks : darwin proposed that natural selection had shaped the _ of different bird populations as they became adapted to eat different foods.
  • natural : _ selection is the process by which organisms with variations most suited to their local environment survive and leave more offspring.
  • homologous : structures that are shared by related species and that have been inherited from a common ancestor are called _ structures.
  • fossils : the preserved remains or traces of ancient organisms.
  • compete : members of a population must _ to obtain food, living space, and other limited necessities of life.
  • fitness : _ describes how well an organism can survive and reproduce in its environment.
  • ancestors : according to the principle of common descent, all species living and extinct are descended from ancient common _ .
  • adaptation : an inherited characteristic that increases an organism's ability to survive and reproduce in its environment is called a/an _ .
  • lamarck : the french naturalist _ suggested that organisms could change during their lifetimes by selectively using or not using various parts of their bodies.
  • beagle : charles darwin went on a five year voyage aboard the _ .
  • acquired : lamarck suggested that individual could pass _ traits on to their offspring.
  • existence : darwin described the competition for limited resources as the struggle for _ .