the Cardiovascular Sytem Crossword Puzzle

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  • increases: left ventricular pressure _ during systole
  • vein: this type of blood vessels carries blood back to the heart
  • baro receptors: these monitor blood volume and pressure inside the blood vessels
  • hypertension: when blood pressure is above 140/90 mm hg
  • right: the _ atrium receives oxygen-poor blood via the inferior and superior vena cava veins
  • left: the _ atrium receives oxygen-rich blood via the left and right pulmonary veins
  • atrioventricular: the right and left atria pump blood to their respective ventricles through the right and left _ valves
  • pulmonary: the right ventricle pumps blood through the _ valve into the _ artery
  • aortic: the left ventricle pumps blood through the _ valve into the aorta
  • contractile: _ cells are responsible for the mechanical work of pumping
  • auto rhythmic: _ cells initiate and conduct action potentials that lead to muscle contraction
  • sinoa trial: the _ node is responsible for setting the pace of the heart
  • node: the atrioventricular _ delays electrical impulses, allowing the atria to contract before the ventricles
  • systole: the contraction phase of the heart cycle
  • diastole: the relaxation phase of the heart cycle
  • resistance: blood flow is determined by the pressure gradient divided by _
  • histamine: this is released when tissues are damaged, leading to vasodilation and an inflammatory response
  • capillary: this type of blood vessel connects arteries and veins
  • bulk: _ flow is the mechanism that maintains fluid balance between blood and the extracellular space
  • artery: this type of blood vessel carries blood away from the heart to the body
  • intera trial: the _ pathway conducts pacemaker activity from the right atrium to the left atrium
  • inter nodal: the _ pathway conducts pacemaker activity from the sa node to the av node
  • closing: the first heart sound “lub” is caused by the _ of the atrioventricular valves, while the second heart sound “dub” is caused by the _ of the aortic and pulmonary valves
  • heart rate: this is regulated by the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems
  • hypotension: orthostatic _ can occur when standing up from a sitting or lying position