Plant Life Crossword Puzzle

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Plant Life Crossword Puzzle

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  • jackfruit: a large evergreen tropical tree that grows edible fruit. planted in the spring and in the fall it produces showy green leaves that have a yellow-green kidney shaped fruit.
  • orchid: it naturally grows attached to other plants, grow slow, live long, feature showy, fragrant flowers that come in all shapes and sizes
  • philodendron: their leaves are typically large, green, and glossy. easy to care for and have two types vining or non-climbing.
  • bamboo: proper name is phyllostachys aurea, has narrow, lance shaped leaves that grow in clusters on short stems for canes.
  • kale: a form of cabbage that does not have the tightly formed head as most cabbages. is grouped in the cooking greens category. their leaves are considered ornamental with texture and curly leaves that come in shades of green, purple, and other colors.
  • babys breath: a cliche in floral arrangements. they have small narrow leaves and are gray-green to blue-green in color.
  • snake plant: known for stiff, sword-like leaves, commonly feature a yellow border.
  • iris: available in two main forms: those that grow from rhizomes and those that grow from bulbs. they have unique blooms made from two different petals, falls and standards.
  • cactus: has thousands of species, can be thrive indoors or outdoors, most recognized by bear spines or hair and are shaped like paddles, balls, or obelisks
  • eucalyptus: is the favorite food of the koala, is a native plant to australia