Systems Crossword Puzzle
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- chemistry : understanding the way matter is composed and behaves.
- system : parts working together to perform a function.
- boundaries : limits of a system
- quantitative : observation using data and measurements.
- physics : understanding the way matter and energy interact.
- subsystem : small system within a system.
- components : parts & pieces needed to make the system operate.
- biotic : living or once living.
- qualitative : observations using your five senses.
- engineering : designing, building and using technology.
- biology : study of life.
- inference : an educated guess.
- prediction : an inference based on future events.
- abiotic : non-living and never having been alive.
- technology : the application of science for practical purposes.
- science : the study of the physical and natural world
- output : what a system produces.
- input : what a system needs to operate.