Physical and Chemical Properties Crossword Puzzle

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Physical and Chemical Properties Crossword Puzzle

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  • conductivity : how well a substance conducts electricity or heat energy
  • magnetism : describes how matter responds to a magnetic field
  • luster : the way the surface of a substance looks in the light
  • thermal expansion : describes the change in volume as a substance is heated or cooled (two words)
  • ductility : the extent to which a material can be stretched without breaking
  • transparent : clear
  • hardness : a substance’s ability to resist being scratched
  • solubility : the maximum amount of a substance that can dissolve in water
  • precipitate : solid formed when two liquids react
  • physical : properties that can be observed or measured without changing the chemical makeup of the substance
  • cohesion : water sticks to itself
  • combustibility : ability of a substance to react quickly with oxygen to produce heat energy and light
  • volatility : a measure of the tendency of a substance to evaporate
  • malleability : how easily a substance can be molded, bent, & shaped
  • translucent : objects on the opposite side are not clearly visible, but are still slightly visible
  • viscosity : the resistance of a liquid to flow or pour
  • density : describes how much mass is in a specific volume
  • adhesion : water sticks to other substances
  • texture : the feel of the surface of a substance
  • chemical : property of a substance that describes how it reacts when it changes into a new substance or substances
  • opaque : not allowing light or an image to be seen though