Natural and Artificial Selection Crossword Puzzle

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  • darwins theory : theory of evolution by natural selection
  • scientific theory : a well-tested concept that explains a wide range of observations
  • artificial : selection exerted by humans
  • fossil evidence : remains of once living organisms show change over time
  • adaptation : a characteristic of a species that enables the species to survive in its environment
  • adaptive radiation : species evolve from a common ancestor
  • finches : a group of birds darwin studied
  • trait : physical characteristics
  • mutations : changes in the dna of an organism
  • extinction : when species completely disappears from earth
  • natural selection : process where organisms change over many generations
  • mimicry : the resemblance of one species to another species
  • galapagos : islands where darwin observed birds
  • evolution : change in a kind of organism over time; process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms.
  • variation : a slight difference in the appearance of individual members of a species
  • naturalist : a person who studies plants and animals by observing them
  • selective breeding : the breeding of organisms for desired characteristics
  • camouflage : an adaptation that enables species to blend in with their environments
  • scarcity : the lack of sufficient food to meet the energy requirements of a population