Biology Wizard Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: carbohydrate: sugar molecules are also called this, lipid: fatty, oily waxy compound, protein: large molecule that does most of the work in cells, starch: natural component of a plant and carbohydrate, monosaccharide: simplest form of sugar and a basic unit, chromosome: located inside nucleus, thread like structure, genome: encoded in dna and contains all hereditary information, karyoype: complete set of chromosomes, autosomes: we have 22 pairs of these.., rna: copy of dna that comes in 3 different forms, disease: harmful condition where you show signs and symptoms, epidemic: outbreak of disease that spreads quick, virus: contains nucleic acid and is an infectious microbe, pathogen: causes harmful diseases to host, host: organism that can harbor another organism inside, dosage: size or measured quantity, drug: common name for a chemical used to change the way our bodies work, usually come in pill form, x-ray: electromagnetic radiation with high energy, cancer: disease in which body cells grow uncontrollably and eventually spread throughout the body, diabetes: a medical condition where glucose levels are too high