Biochemestry for Life Crossword Puzzle

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Biochemestry for Life Crossword Puzzle

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  • rna : molecules play many key roles in building of proteins and can act as enzymes
  • protons : positive charge; found in nucleus of a cell, equal to number of protons
  • monosscharides : simple sugars; (glucose, fructose, galactose)
  • lipids : non-polar molecules; composed of glycerol and fatty acids. functions are energy storing when no carbs are available, cushion to vital organs, and insulation for the body. (triglycerides, phospholipids, wax, and steroids)
  • disacharide : two monosaccharides joined together; (sucrose, lactose)
  • hydrophobic : water fearing; part of lipid
  • ionic bond : when one atom gives up an electron to another
  • cellulose : straight chains; cant be digested by humans; helps with structure
  • nucleic acid : a large and complex organic molecule that stores and transports info; its monomer is nucleotide
  • composed of : 1 phosphate group, 5-c sugar, ring shaped n group (dna,rna)
  • hydrophilic : water attracted
  • neutrons : no charge; found in nucleus of a cell
  • electrons : negative charge, found in electron cloud, equal to number of protons
  • covalent bond : when 2 atoms share electrons
  • amino acid : the monomers that make of proteins; sequence determines a protein shape and function; 20 of them (12 made in human body, 8 must be consumed)
  • dna : contains genetic info for cell activities