Chemistry Terms Crossword Puzzle
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- endothermic : a reaction that takes in energy
- sour : how do acids taste?
- reactant : a starting substance in a reaction
- hydrogen : the element that all acids contain
- combustion : burning a fuel in oxygen
- product : a substance that is made in a reaction
- period : the horizontal row on the periodic table
- exothermic : a reaction that gives out energy
- group : the vertical column on the periodic table
- indicator : a substance that changes colour to show whether a solution is acidic or alkaline
- oxidation : reaction of other elements with oxygen
- decomposition : a chemical reaction in which a compound breaks down into one or more elements and/or new compounds
- neutral : has a ph of 7
- universal indicator : gives a range of colours that show how strong the acid or alkali is
- ph scale : a number scale from 0 to 14. it tells us how acidic or alkaline a solution is
- chemical reaction : a change in which atoms are rearranged and join together differently to make new substances
- corrosive : can burn your skin and eyes
- alkali : a substance with a ph above 7
- acid : a substance with a ph below 7
- catalyst : something that speeds up a chemical reaction without being used up
- soapy : how do most alkalis feel?