Biopsychology Crossword Puzzle
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- freeze : an evaluation point for fight or flight is that not all people respond in this way. what is the third response option ?
- synapse : the gap between two neurons
- broca : the brain area responsible for speech production
- pituitary : master gland. releases acth
- plasticity : the idea that the brain can change based on new learning and experiences
- parasympathetic : when a person is in this state, their body is able to rest and digest
- adrenaline : the adrenal glands release this hormone
- relay : a neuron with no myelin sheath that bits in the brain and spinal cord
- autonomic : a division of the peripheral nervous system
- frontallobe : phineas gage has damaged this area of his brain
- corpuscallosum : nerve fibers that connect the left and right hemisphere
- left : hemisphere that deals with language
- localisation : the idea that different brain areas have different functions