Nuclear Terms Crossword Puzzle

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Nuclear Terms Crossword Puzzle

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  • atom : the basic unit of matter, consisting of a nucleus and electrons
  • nucleus : the center of an atom, containing protons and neutrons
  • isotope : atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons
  • radioactivity : the process by which unstable nuclei release energy
  • fission : splitting of an atomic nucleus into two or more smaller nuclei
  • fusion : the process of combining atomic nuclei to release energy
  • neutron : a subatomic particle found in the nucleus with no electric charge
  • proton : a positively charged particle located in the atomic nucleus
  • electron : a negatively charged particle that orbits the nucleus
  • reactor : a device used to initiate and control a sustained nuclear chain reaction
  • power plant : a facility where nuclear energy is converted into electrical power
  • moderator : material used in a reactor to slow down fast neutrons
  • radioactive waste : materials left over from the use of nuclear fuel that are radioactive and require disposal
  • meltdown : an accident where a reactor’s core overheats, potentially releasing radiation
  • chain reaction : a self-sustaining series of reactions in which the fission of one nucleus triggers others
  • half-life : the time it takes for half of a radioactive substance to decay
  • dosimeter : a device used to measure exposure to ionizing radiation
  • geiger counter : a device that detects and measures radiation
  • plutonium : a radioactive element used as fuel in nuclear reactors and weapons
  • uranium : a heavy metal used as fuel in nuclear reactors
  • decommissioning : the process of safely closing down a nuclear facility
  • isolation : the practice of keeping radioactive materials separate from people and the environment
  • shielding : materials used to protect people from exposure to radiation
  • nuclear fuel : materials, like uranium or plutonium, used in a reactor to produce energy
  • fallout : radioactive particles released into the atmosphere after a nuclear explosion or accident