Stems and Leaves Crossword Puzzle

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  • leaf scar : region on stem where leaf was attached before abscission
  • leaf promordium : very early stage in leaf development, during which time the leaf only exists as a pronounced bulging of the shoot meristem
  • mesophyll : all tissue of a leaf except the epidermis
  • sessile leaf : organ that has a stalk bud attached to them or other organ
  • rachis : extension of the petiole in a compound leaf
  • compound leaf : leaf in which the blade consists of several separate parts which are all attached to a common petiole
  • bud scales : small, specialized leaf, usually waxy or corky, which protects upopened bud
  • lamina : broad, expanded part of the leaf
  • spongly mesophyll : only port in which cells
  • minor veins : smallest veins of a leaf
  • leaflets : buldle of leaves
  • stipules : small slaps of tissue located at base of a leaf, near the stem
  • abscission zone : region at base of leaf, in which cells die or tear, which allows the leaf to fall cleanly away from the stem with minimal damage
  • midrib : large central vascular bundle of a leaf
  • leaf traces : vascular bundles extends from stem vascular bundles through the cortex and enters a leaf
  • petiole : stalk of a leaf
  • bundle sheath : set of scales that encases some or all vascular bundles
  • simple leaf : blade consists of just one part
  • leaf blade : edge of leaf