Root Anatomy Crossword Puzzle

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Root Anatomy Crossword Puzzle

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  • unhealthy : a _ root system appears black, brown, or dark orange and smells sour.
  • healthy : a _ root system should appear white or nearly white in color and smell fresh.
  • epidermis : the skin of cells that covers the surace of the root.
  • available water : water that can be absorbed by the plants roots.
  • apical meristem : the tip of the root where new cells develop.
  • primary root : the first structure to emerge from the seed.
  • root cap : the apical meristem is covered by this to prevent damage.
  • secondary roots : other roots that eventually branch out from the primary root.
  • unavailable water : thin film of water that binds so tightly to the medium’s particles that it cannot be used by the plants.
  • root hairs : hair-like projections that increase the surface area of the root and allow much more water and minerals to enter the plant.
  • napiform : specialized type of root system.
  • areation : the exchange of gases in a medium.
  • fibrous : a system that has no dominant primary root but is made of many primary and secondary roots of similar size is called a _ root system.
  • taproot : a root system that is composed of one main primary root and many secondary roots branching off of the primary root is called a _ system
  • drainage : proper watering for most plants involves growing the plants in pots with proper _ holes in the bottom of the pot