Our Solar System and Beyond Crossword Puzzle

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  • spiral : a galaxy shaped like a large, flat disk with spiral arms containing bright young stars is called a _ galaxy.
  • galaxy : an enormous group of stars.
  • barred spiral : a spiral galaxy with a bright band or bar of stars running through the middle is called a _ galaxy.
  • milky way galaxy : our solar system is in this galaxy.
  • gas giants : the four planets farthest from the sun are called the _ .
  • elliptical : a galaxy that is oval in shape is called an _ galaxy.
  • terrestrial : the four planets closest to the sun are called the _ planets.
  • black hole : an object in space so massive, that it has a gravitational force that not even light can escape
  • asteroid belt : the area between mars and jupiter where most asteroids are found in orbit around the sun is called the _ .
  • light year : the unit by which we measure distances in space
  • space : the area in which all matter exists and moves.
  • planet : a celestial body (any object past earth's atmosphere) moving in an elliptical orbit around a star