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Science Crossword Puzzles
Free printable science crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
_ and leucippus, suggested that matter was not infinitely divisible into smaller particles, atoms are made up of three particles: _ , neutrons and …
the process of sterilization often reserved for category 3 rooms and safety cabinets, the process of sterilization using gamma rays, type of indicator …
special glasses to protect your eyes during lab work. , a tool that makes a flame for heating things in the lab. , a device to measure liquids …
consume other living things for food, cellulose and autotrophic, cell wall made of chitin, _ fossil - characteristics of two or more groups, remains …
direction in the response to an period inactivity in a prior to germination, evaporation of water from plant leaves, the outer layer or tissue in a …
the study of the biology of organisms such as viruses, bacteria, algae, fungi, slime molds, and protozoa, the study of blood and blood disorders, …
degree or intensity of pathogenicity of an organism, algae, protozoa, and fungi, study of microorganisms, grows in absence of free oxygen, safe method …
slightly movable joints, the place where two bones come together, bone shape that is thin and flattened e.g. sternum, freely movable joints, bone …
attaches muscle to bone, where red blood cells, platelets and white blood cells are made, wrist and ankle joints, protects important organs like the …
cells with 1 set of chromosomes, mitosis time when sisters pull apart, reproduction that needs no mate, part of inter-phase where dna is replicated, …
state of matter that has an indefinite shape and an indefinite volume. the particles move independently of one another, base unit for volume, the …
when data produces a straight line graph, when speed is increasing, when speed is decreasing, the rate of change of position, speed in a given …
a tube that is held open by c-shape rings of cartilage; connects the larynx and the bronchi, the organ of the lymphatic system in which t cells …
male reproductive system, pump blood throughout body, responsible for the first step of digestion, something made of long, curved individual bones …
an indicator, shows whether a substance is acidic, alkaline, or neutral, a solution with a ph value less than 7, changes colour to show the ph of a …
what hormone does the pancreas supply?, what gland secretes at least 6 distinct hormones?, how many principal endocrine glands?, stimulates …
this straw-coloured liquid accounts for 55% of blood volume, these blood cells account for 45% of blood volume, plasma contains 90-92% of this, plasma …
the _ nervous system increases heart rate and stroke volume, the _ muscles are attached to the chordae tendineae, what is the amount of blood pumped …
a muscle that pumps blood around the body, these blood vessels take blood to the heart, a liquid that helps to keep us alive, these are the top two …
carry blood away from the heart, _ arteries are those nearest the heart, _ arteries distribute blood to various parts of organs and living tissues, a …
take in food, digest food into smaller molecules and absorbs nutrients, protects organs, provides shape support, stores materials(fats, minerals), …
mixture in which one substance consisting of microscopically dispersed insoluble particles is suspended throughout another substance, tightly packed …
an object that turns is a _ , the point around which the lever turns is a _ , when bending an arm, the _ is the pivot, when bending a leg, the _ is …
it is the transfer of thermal energy by electromagnetic waves, it is the transfer of thermal energy by collisions between particles, materials in …
clusters of lymph nodes in the oral cavity, butterfly-shaped gland located behind the sternum, lymphatic organ that filters blood, lymphatic vessels …
biological molecule used for protein growth (7), biological molecule used for energy release (12), biological molecule used for insulation (5), basic …
it is a measure of the tendency of an atom to attract a bonding pair of electrons, it is a bond in which the distribution of electron between two …
as, ga, ar, cd, cl, se, p, li, si, he, o, ti, h, f, ca, na, ni, cr, be, s, co, ru, al, rh
_ is the type of matter that makes up the object, is the ability to burn _ , an element/mineral _ , is the ability of two or more substances to …
a part of a plant that develops into a leaf or a flower, one of the usually brightly coloured leaf-like parts of a flower, the part of a plant that …