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Science Crossword Puzzles
Free printable science crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
part of cell cycle where cell spends majority of its time, nuclear membrane forms in this phase, part of the cell cycle where dna is replicated, phase …
newton's _ law of motion: "an object in motion will continue in motion unless acted on by an unbalanced force.", the force that pulls all …
sensitive to chemical concentrations in the blood, the type of neuron in the parasympathetic system that secretes acetylcholine, the nervous system …
lowercase r is an example of a _ trait, a mule is an example of a.., skin color, height, eye color are examples of.., the allele combination or …
inventor of the light bulb, known for alternating current (ac) power, revolutionized car manufacturing with the assembly line, pioneers of the first …
the formation of living things from one parent only, the production of living things by combining cells from two parents, a sex cell, the joining or …
_ is the type of matter that makes up the object, is the ability to burn _ , an element/mineral _ , is the ability of two or more substances to …
how well a substance conducts electricity or heat energy, describes how matter responds to a magnetic field, the way the surface of a substance looks …
a mechanism that darwin used to explain how evolution could happen, matched the shape of the beaks of the finches, an animal that hunts and kills …
how far an object moves, how far an object moves of a certain amount of time, a push or pull on an object, the surfaces of two objects rubbing …
a unit 1000 times smaller than a liter, matter with a definite shape and definite volume, an element that has some properties of metals and some of …
_ and leucippus, suggested that matter was not infinitely divisible into smaller particles, atoms are made up of three particles: _ , neutrons and …
effects the rate of dissolution by increasing in energy, when a solution produces a precipitate, one of the products has to be _ , water is considered …
a chamber of the heart receiving blood from the veins; superior heart chambers, large single-nucleus white blood cell;, discharging chambers of the …
part of the atom comprising protons and neutrons (7), process that causes reactive metals to discolour in air (9), protons and neutrons have a …
cells with 1 set of chromosomes, mitosis time when sisters pull apart, reproduction that needs no mate, part of inter-phase where dna is replicated, …
a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths ranging from one meter to one millimeter, electromagnetic _ - all possible frequencies of …
the amount of matter in an object, the change in velocity(speed, direction or both), a place or object, appears to be stationary, used for comparison …
kinetic energy is the energy of, when a liquid becomes a gas, when a liquid becomes a solid, when a solid becomes a liquid, the particles only vibrate …
diagrams that show the bonding between atoms of a molecule and the lone pairs of electrons, horizontal row in the periodic table, the positively …
the scientific study of prehistoric life forms through the examination of plant and animal fossils, the preserved remains or traces of ancient …
in a multi-cellular organism, a group of cells working together, the cell's control center, grain-shaped organelles that produce proteins, some …
substances that can't be broken down, tiny packets of electromagnetic radiation or energy, two or substances that have combined together chemically to …
a molecule that catalyzes a chemical reaction, the gene that only shows if there are two of them, ribonucleic acid, term for the two letters that …
the organ that pumps blood throughout your body, the organ where food is digested, the organ that helps you breathe, the organ that filters waste from …
male reproductive system, pump blood throughout body, responsible for the first step of digestion, something made of long, curved individual bones …
what layer of the epidermis is translucent, what vitamin is absorbed into the skin from the sun, which layer of the dermis contains collagen and …
what stand on end when we are cold, when we are hot, our body produces.........., the top layer of the skin, what gel can protect your skin from uv …
process by which green plants use sunlight to change water and carbon dioxide into sugar, scientific study of plants, green substance found in green …
a male reproductive structure of flowers, mass divided by volume, an organism made up of cells that have a nucleus enclosed by a membrane, a naturally …