Light and Sound Crossword Puzzle

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Light and Sound Crossword Puzzle

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  • eardrum : the thin sheet of tissue that separates the middle and inner ear.
  • ossicles : the 3 bones in the ear
  • pinna : the outer ear that funnels sound into the ear
  • ultrasound : a sound that is above 20khz
  • echo : a reflected sound
  • vibrate : particle do this when a sound travels.
  • transverse : a wave where the oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of travel
  • longitudinal : a wave where the oscillations are parallel to the direction of travel
  • amplitude : the height of a wave
  • wavelength : the length of one complete wave
  • frequency : the number of complete waves per second
  • hertz : the unit of measurement for frequency
  • refraction : the bending of light when it enters a different medium
  • reflection : the "bouncing" of light when it hits a surface
  • luminous : the type of object that produces its own light
  • non luminous : the type of object that does not produce your own light.