Quantum Physics Crossword Puzzle

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Quantum Physics Crossword Puzzle

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  • photon: a small packet of light, which is both a wave and a particle.
  • entanglement: the strange phenomenon where two particles can be connected in such a way that the state of one affects the state of the other, no matter how far apart they are.
  • spin: an intrinsic property of particles that has been described as "intrinsic angular momentum".
  • superposition: the ability of quantum systems to exist in multiple states simultaneously until observed or measured.
  • einstein: a famous physicist who won the nobel prize for his work on photoelectric effect and made important contributions to early quantum theory.
  • quantum tunneling: a process by which a particle can pass through an energy barrier despite not having enough energy to overcome it classically.
  • cat state: a conceptual idea proposed by erwin schrödinger in which a quantum system can be in two or more contradictory states simultaneously until observed.
  • uncertainty: the fundamental principle of quantum mechanics that describes the limits to our ability to measure certain pairs of properties, such as position and momentum, with high accuracy at the same time.
  • bohr: a physicist who played a key role in developing the bohr model of the atom, one of the earliest attempts at a quantum mechanical description of matter.
  • decoherence: the process by which a quantum system interacting with its environment loses its superposition and becomes localized into definite states.