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Science Crossword Puzzles
Free printable science crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
when two parallel wires carry currents in opposite directions, their magnetic fields _ each other, the galvanometer is connected in series with a …
hormone which prepares the body for flight or fight responses, the type and amount of food consumed by people, an organ or tissue that makes a …
study of the very small, mass multiplied by velocity, the energy dependent on the object's position, the energy that includes both potential and …
it is a push or a pull, the speed of an object in one direction, it is equal to 1/2 agt, the angle between the initial velocity of an object from a …
a bodily system consisting of blood, blood vessels, and the heart, pumps the blood throughout the body, carries the blood throughout the body, carries …
what sound waves travel through to get to your ear, sound travels faster in..., high and low frequencies are called, back and forth, fast movements, …
the difference between the largest score and the smallest score, a group of individuals randomly selected to represent a population (an unbiased …
produces a hormone that regulates body's calcium and phosphorus, regulates circadian cycle, serves both digestive and endocrine systems, secretes …
acceleration is _ proportional to net force, a push or pull, acceleration is _ proportional to mass, _ the mass, doubles the acceleration, depends on …
the class number of cough medicine (spelled out), drugs can show up in this for up to 3+ months, and can measure long-term drug abuse, a notable toxic …
an example of molecules and it composed of two elements hydrogen and oxygen, consists of different tissues organized together to perform, interaction …
the tendency of all objects to resist a change in motion, the combination of all the forces acting on an object, a friction-like force that opposes …
name of un protocol for mass grave excavation, military organization tasked with recovering and analyzing pow remains, burned body, groove caused by …
male reproductive part of the plant, present in the air and are covered by a hard protective coat to bear low humidity and high-temperature …
describes the tail region of a phospholipid, solution with equal solute to the cell, describes the head region of a phospholipid, type of transport …
point in the path of the sun when the sun is farthest north or south of the equator, small body of matter in the solar system seen when it falls into …
the underground stems that produce roots and leaves in ferns, invertebrates with jointed appendages, term used for flexible stalk/stem plants (not …
this objective lens is represented by the color red, this objective lens is represented by the color blue, this part of the microscope holds the slide …
slightly movable joints, the place where two bones come together, bone shape that is thin and flattened e.g. sternum, freely movable joints, bone …
take in food, digest food into smaller molecules and absorbs nutrients, protects organs, provides shape support, stores materials(fats, minerals), …
the bottom point of a transverse wave is called this, the number of times a wave repeats itself in a certain amount of time, the height of the crest …
a key substances for all aspects of cell life, are like a coded message. not useful until it is decoded, when complementary mrna is made using the …
these cushion your organs, provide your body with insulation, and store energy for later use, molecules that are composed of only carbon and hydrogen, …
attraction between molecules of the same substance, negatively charged particle; located in the space around the nucleus, compound that produces …
"knee cap" bone, strongest, biggest bone in the body, found in the thigh, hitting the end of your "funny bone" at the elbow …
transfer of heat by physical contact, an organism that relies on external sources of heat to regulate its body temperature, regulate body temperature …
sweat glands, breaks down urea in sweat and causes odors, waterproofing protein, worst kind of burn, glands that produce oil, oil, skin cells, …
the cytoplasmic division of a cell at the end of mitosis or meiosis that leads to separation into two daughter cells, a disease in which some of the …
strand of dna or rna surrounded by a layer of protein that can infect and replicate in a host cell, long whiplike structure on bacteria, a mixture …
when light is taken in instead of bouncing or bending, energy that travels in waves to the ears, this happens when light bounces off a surface, this …