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Science Crossword Puzzles
Free printable science crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
how far an object moves, how far an object moves of a certain amount of time, a push or pull on an object, the surfaces of two objects rubbing …
a unit 1000 times smaller than a liter, matter with a definite shape and definite volume, an element that has some properties of metals and some of …
_ and leucippus, suggested that matter was not infinitely divisible into smaller particles, atoms are made up of three particles: _ , neutrons and …
effects the rate of dissolution by increasing in energy, when a solution produces a precipitate, one of the products has to be _ , water is considered …
a chamber of the heart receiving blood from the veins; superior heart chambers, large single-nucleus white blood cell;, discharging chambers of the …
part of the atom comprising protons and neutrons (7), process that causes reactive metals to discolour in air (9), protons and neutrons have a …
cells with 1 set of chromosomes, mitosis time when sisters pull apart, reproduction that needs no mate, part of inter-phase where dna is replicated, …
a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths ranging from one meter to one millimeter, electromagnetic _ - all possible frequencies of …
the amount of matter in an object, the change in velocity(speed, direction or both), a place or object, appears to be stationary, used for comparison …
kinetic energy is the energy of, when a liquid becomes a gas, when a liquid becomes a solid, when a solid becomes a liquid, the particles only vibrate …
diagrams that show the bonding between atoms of a molecule and the lone pairs of electrons, horizontal row in the periodic table, the positively …
the scientific study of prehistoric life forms through the examination of plant and animal fossils, the preserved remains or traces of ancient …
in a multi-cellular organism, a group of cells working together, the cell's control center, grain-shaped organelles that produce proteins, some …
substances that can't be broken down, tiny packets of electromagnetic radiation or energy, two or substances that have combined together chemically to …
a molecule that catalyzes a chemical reaction, the gene that only shows if there are two of them, ribonucleic acid, term for the two letters that …
the organ that pumps blood throughout your body, the organ where food is digested, the organ that helps you breathe, the organ that filters waste from …
male reproductive system, pump blood throughout body, responsible for the first step of digestion, something made of long, curved individual bones …
what layer of the epidermis is translucent, what vitamin is absorbed into the skin from the sun, which layer of the dermis contains collagen and …
what stand on end when we are cold, when we are hot, our body produces.........., the top layer of the skin, what gel can protect your skin from uv …
process by which green plants use sunlight to change water and carbon dioxide into sugar, scientific study of plants, green substance found in green …
a male reproductive structure of flowers, mass divided by volume, an organism made up of cells that have a nucleus enclosed by a membrane, a naturally …
this system starts in the mouth, helps movement of the body, maintaining posture, and circulating blood throughout the body, system that consists of …
one celled animal organisms found in decayed materials and contaminated water, plantlike organisms that live on dead organic matter, germ or disease …
set of three bases, a sugar derived from ribose by replacing a hydroxyl group with hydrogen, type macro molecule know a nucleic acid, a purine …
the practical application of proven knowledge in a given field which aims to create and improve tools, materials and processes, the zone above and …
chromosome condition of a cell which has two sets of chromosomes, chromosome condition in which a cell has only a single set of chromosomes, the type …
proteins in the plasma membrane that carry out final stages of starch and protein digestion in small intestine, the mesh-work surrounding animal …
two elements join together, 5 types that are different depending on the situation, able to reduce in liquid, _ displacement is when two elements swap …
a material through which electricity does not flow, a circuit with more than one path for an electric current, a moving electrical charge, a circuit …
an object is moved away from something;, the north and south poles are opposite ends of a magnet (the magnetic field flows from north to south);, a …