Stem Cells Crossword Puzzle

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Stem Cells Crossword Puzzle

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  • differentiate: the process whereby cells become specialised for a particular function
  • embryonicstemcells: stem cells taken from unused fertilised eggs after ivf treatment
  • mitosis: part of the cell cycle where chromosomes are separated
  • gene: a section of dna that codes for a protein, which results in a characteristic
  • specialised: a description for a cell which is adapted to carry out a specific function
  • multipotent: a type of stem cell that can form a limited number of cell types
  • totipotent: a type of stem cell that can mature into any type of body cell and cells of the placenta
  • pluripotent: a type of stem cell that can mature into any type of body cell but not cells of the placenta
  • unipotent: a type of stem cell that can only mature into one type of body cell