Periodic Table Crossword Puzzle

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Periodic Table Crossword Puzzle

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  • metals : they are in the middle, they are shiny, conductors, and malleable
  • nonmetals : they are on the right, dull, not conductors, and brittle.
  • atom : the most basic component of all matter. includes protons, a nucleus, neutrons, and electrons.
  • periods : the name of the rows on the periodic table
  • families : the name of the columns on the periodic table.
  • atomic number : the number if an element that shows the number of protons and electrons
  • metalloids : they make the dotted stair step.they have the characteristics and metals and nonmetals.
  • elements : they are pure substances that can't be separated in a simpler substance by physical or chemical change
  • compounds : two or more kinds of atoms that chemically bond and separated in chemical reaction
  • periodic table : where elements are written as symbols and shown in a chart