Exothermic & Endothermic Reactions Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: degrees celsius: a measurement of temperature, exothermic: a reaction that produces heat, atoms: an extremely small piece of something, reactants: another name for the molecules involved in a chemical reaction, absorbed: taken in or soaked up, chemical: any basic substance that is used in or produced by a reaction involving changes to atoms or molecules#, gases: another word for the substances found in air, endothermic: a reaction that causes the temperature to fall, temperature: used to measure temperature, oxygen: a molecule in the air we breath, calorimeter: a piece of equipment for measuring the amount of heat lost or produced in a chemical reaction, hot: high temperature, methane: a gas with no smell or colour, injury: physical harm or damage to someone, dissolve: what happens to sugar in tea, cold: low temperature, chemical energy: what is the energy stored in the bonds that connect atoms and molecules together, bonds: how atoms stick together, molecules: a group of atoms bonded together, water: a chemical substance that has 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom