Chemistry Review Crossword Puzzle

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Chemistry Review Crossword Puzzle

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  • alkali : base that can dissolve in water
  • litmus : paper or solution that turns pink with an acid
  • indicator : dye that has a different colour in acids and bases
  • universal : paper or solution that can turn a range of colours depending on the ph
  • phenolphthalein : solution that turns pink when mixed with a base
  • hydrochloric : strong acid found in the stomach
  • sulfuric : strong acid found in car batteries
  • acetic : weak acid found in vinegar
  • ammonia : weak base found in cleaning products
  • lime water : turns milky white in the presence of carbon dioxide
  • metalloids : elements known as semi-metals
  • reactants : listed on the left of the arrow in a chemical equation
  • reactivity : a measure of how readily an element participates in reactions
  • oxide : the compound formed when a substance reacts with oxygen
  • corrosion : a process where a metal is damaged or weakened by a chemical reaction
  • magnesium : burns with a bright white light
  • combustion : chemical reaction in which a substance reacts rapidly with oxygen and gives off heat
  • exothermic : chemical reaction that gives off energy (heat or light)
  • endothermic : chemical reaction that requires energy to occur
  • potassium : reacts vigorously with water, producing sparks and a purple-pink flame
  • rusting : a form of corrosion involving iron
  • electroplating : a thin layer of non-reactive chromium is placed over steel or iron
  • galvanizing : iron is coated with a layer of more reactive zinc