Metals, Nonmetals and Metalloids Crossword Puzzle

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Metals, Nonmetals and Metalloids Crossword Puzzle

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  • reactivity : the ease and speed with which an element combines, or react, with other elements and compounds is?
  • electrical : there is thermal conductivity and _ conductivity that is physical properties of metals , little nonmetals and metalloids
  • luster : the way a mineral reflects light from its surface is? it is also a physical properties for metal.
  • solids : this is a substance that con conduct electric current under some conditions but not under other conditions?
  • malleable : is one that can be hammered or rolled into flat sheets or other shapes is _ ?
  • metal : what has luster, malleable, ductile, thermal and electrical conductivity
  • brittle : is one of the physical properties of nonmetals and metalloids?
  • semiconductors : this is a substance that con conduct electric current under some conditions but not under other conditions?
  • metalloids : what are semiconductors and are brittle, hard and some what reactive?
  • rust : what occurs over time with metal and is also one chemical properties for metal?
  • gas : what is the state in room temperature for nonmetals?
  • dull : what is one of the physical properties of nonmetals?
  • ductile : is one that can be pulled out or drawn into long wires?
  • corrosion : what is metals chemical properties?