Periodic Table: Families and Periods Crossword Puzzle

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Periodic Table: Families and Periods Crossword Puzzle

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  • krypton : the largest element in the fourth period.
  • helium : the largest element in the first period
  • halogen : the family of reactive nonmetals with seven valence electrons
  • valence : all members of a family have the same number of what type of electron?
  • alkali metals : the first element in the fourth period is in which family?
  • electrons : the number of what in the outer shell determines the characteristic of elements in families
  • eight : noble gases have how many valence electrons?
  • element family : a set of elements sharing common properties represented by the vertical columns
  • nine : number of families on the periodic table
  • rubidium : the smallest element in period 5
  • noble gases : a family of nonreactive nonmetals
  • period : the horizontal rows of elements on the periodic table
  • zinc : the largest transition metal in the fourth period
  • transition metals : the largest family on the periodic table
  • two : the number of valence electrons for the second element in the second period
  • increases : in each period, the atomic number does what?
  • argon : the name of the noble gas element in period 3
  • lead : the element in the sixth period with four valence electrons
  • seven : the number of periods in the periodic table
  • six : how many elements are in the alkaline earth metal family?