The Circulatory System Crossword Puzzle

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The Circulatory System Crossword Puzzle

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  • red blood cells : transport oxygen
  • septum : separates the left side and the right side of the heart.
  • valves : prevent backflow of blood
  • vena cava : deoxygenated blood enters the right atrium through the
  • capillaries : are very small blood vessels that connect arteries and veins.
  • cardiac muscle : the heart is made of very strong muscle that can continuously pump blood, called?
  • white blood cells : protect the body from disease
  • ventricles : the lower chambers of the heart.
  • aorta : the major artery in the heart that carries oxygenated blood to the whole body
  • veins : carry blood to the heart
  • plasma : the yellow liquid part of the blood, that transports substances around the body
  • pulmonary artery : what artery takes blood to the lungs?
  • haemoglobin : red pigmentation found in red blood cells
  • pulse : is a wave of vibration that passes through an artery when blood is forced out of the heart.
  • arteries : carry blood away from the heart
  • pulmonary vein : brings oxygenated blood back to the left atrium from the lungs.
  • platelets : clot the blood
  • atrium : the upper chambers of the heart.