Ultrastructure of An Animal Cell Crossword Puzzle

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  • ribosomes : site of protein synthesis, consisting of rna and protein.
  • nucleus : the control center of the cell, housing genetic material.
  • plasma membrane : the outermost boundary of the cell, regulating entry and exit.
  • mitochondria : membrane-bound organelle responsible for atp production.
  • cytoskeleton : the network of protein filaments that provides structural support.
  • lysosomes : organelles that break down waste and cellular debris.
  • endoplasmic reticulum : organelle involved in protein and lipid synthesis.
  • peroxisomes : organelle that breaks down fatty acids and detoxifies harmful substances
  • golgi : modifies, sorts, and packages proteins and lipids.
  • centrioles : organelle that helps in cell division in animal cells.
  • microtubules : component of the cytoskeleton involved in cell division.
  • vesicles : small, membrane-bound sacs used for transport within the cell