Components of Blood & Lymphatic Systems Crossword Puzzle

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Components of Blood & Lymphatic Systems Crossword Puzzle

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  • phagocytes : type of wbc that destroys bacteria by encompassing it
  • leukocytes : another name for white blood cells
  • plasma : straw colored liquid containing proteins and water
  • fibrinogen : protein responsible for blood clotting
  • interstial fluid : colorless fluid that leaks out of capillaries
  • thrombin : chemichal released by sticky platelets
  • node : a knot of tissue
  • platelets : small round fragments that activate the clotting process
  • antigen : protein that causes an immune response
  • pus : a thick, yellowish liquid that is a combination of dead wbc, bacteria, and tissue
  • type o : the universal donor
  • hemoglobin : protein responsible for the red color of rbc
  • erythrocytes : another name for red blood cells
  • clot : mass of blood cells that clump together
  • albumin : protein responsible keeping water in the cells
  • coagulate : thickening of blood
  • antibodies : a protein produced in response to and counteracting an antigen
  • blood : the only tissue in the body that has solid components suspended in liquid
  • globulins : responsible for the transport of proteins
  • type ab : the universal recipient