Sensation Perception Crossword Puzzle
Download and print this Sensation Perception crossword puzzle.
- neurological : what kind of condition is synesthesia?
- sour : what kind of taste warns us of potentially toxic acid?
- cello : what kind of instrument produces long and low sound waves?
- distance : depth perception allows us to judge …..?
- bitter : what kind of taste warns us of potential poisons?
- optical illusions : what uses color, light and patterns that can deceive or mislead our brains?
- inner : what part of our ears change as we age?
- mcgurk effect : what effect occurs when there is a conflict between what we see and what we hear?
- perception : how do you organize and interpret sensory information?
- synesthesia : what is a neurological condition in which information meant to stimulate one of your senses, stimulates more than one sense?
- illusions : what misleads us by playing on the ways we organize and interpret our sensations?
- likelihood principle : what principle says we will tend to perceive the most likely interpretation?
- sensory interaction : what is the principle that says that one sense may influence another?
- violin : what kind of instrument produces short and high waves?
- sensation : how do our sensory receptors and nervous system receive stimulus from our environment?
- balance : what does the inner ear’s vestibular system and touch/pressure help you to do?