Animal Cell Organelles Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: cis : vesicles join the golgi on this side, trans : vesicles leave the golgi on this side, golgi : the organelle that processes, sorts and packages proteins, ribosome : synthesizes protein, rdna : genetic code for rrna, nucleolus : site of ribosome assembly, histones : proteins bound to dna in eukaryotes, chromatin : the name given to dna and bound protein when it is indistinct, nuclearenvelope : the name of the double membrane around the nucleus, nuclearpores : allow passage of mrna out of the nucleus, rer : organelle with ribosomes bound to the outside surface, lumen : the space inside the rer, gene : a length of dna that codes for a protein, mitochondrion : double membraned structure responsible for aerobic respiration, cristae : folds of an inner membrane with embedded proteins required for respiration, matrix : contains enzymes required for the kreb's cycle, one of the stages of aerobic respiration