Plants & Animals Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: rhizomes : the underground stems that produce roots and leaves in ferns, anthropods : invertebrates with jointed appendages, herbaceous : term used for flexible stalk/stem plants (not woody), echinoderms : sea urchins and other marine animals with radial symmetry and spiny skin, insects : the only invertebrates that can fly, marsupial : a mammal that has a pouch where its young develop is called a _ , invertebrates : animals without backbones, leaves : part of a plant absorbs energy from the sun, mollusks : invertebrates (except for cephalopods) that rely on hard shells for protection, phloem : the plant tissue that carries food downward from the leaves to the roots, xylem : the plant tissue that carries water from the roots to the leaves, invertebrate : having no backbone, angiosperms : another name for flowering plants and seeds are coated, vertebrates : animals with backbones, eukaryotic : a characteristic of all plants and animals, embryo : seeds contain a young plant, gymnosperms : pine trees, spruces, and cycads are _ (noncoated seeds), cellulose : plant cell walls are made of _ , feathers : characteristics that is unique to birds, endotherm : an animal, such as a bird, that can regulate its inner body temperature, vertebrate : having a backbone, worms : long, soft-bodied animals with bilateral symmetry, monocots : plants whose vascular bundles are evenly distributed throughout their entire stems are _ , plastid : a cellular organelle found in all plants, crustaceans : arthropods with either eight or ten legs.