Introduction to Violin Crossword Puzzle

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  • alto clef : music for viola where the line in the middle of the staff is middle c
  • e string : the last and thickest string made of metal wire
  • bridge : supports the strings and carries vibrations to the hollow body of the violin
  • viola : larger than the violin and 10 centimeters longer, lowest string tuned to c below middle c
  • violin : smallest of the stringed instruments in an orchestra, lowest string tuned to g below middle c
  • frog : attached to the metal screw at the bottom of the bow and tightens or loosens the bowhair
  • bow hair : hairs from a horses tail attached to the tip of the bow
  • sound holes : swirly holes on the front of the violin where sound goes in and out
  • turning pegs : knobs at the top of the violin used to tune the strings
  • elgar dvorak and j s bach : wrote beautiful music for the cello
  • never : leave your stringed instrument in very hot or cold places
  • tailpiece : holds the strings in place at the lower part of the violin
  • tip : the end of the bow to which the bow hair is attached
  • chin rest : helps to hold the violin between your shoulder and chest
  • double bass : largest stringed instrument in the orchestra, 115 centimeters long, lowest string tuned to e three octaves below middle c
  • fingerboard : the black ebony wood under the strings
  • adjusters : dials on the tailpiece that help tune the strings
  • end pin : keeps the tailpiece in place
  • scroll : once used to hang the violin but is now a decorative feature
  • tenor clef : music for the cello where the second highest line on the staff is middle c
  • cello : also called violoncello, 75 centimeters long, lowest string tuned to c two octaves below middle c