Greek Theatre - Drama Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: greece : where did theater originate?, dran : the greek word for 'drama', theatron : the greek word for 'theater', mythology : the study of greek gods is known as .., festivals : what was held in honor of the gods?, dionysus : the name of the god honored by the greeks out of which theater developed, dithyramb : the greek hymn of praise, goatsong : tragedy comes from the words .., tragedy : the theater genre greeks preferred most, dionysia : the name of the largest festival in athens, state : who would pay for tickets if you couldn't afford it?, five : how many days were the festivals?, idiot : the name for someone who doesn't attend theatre, comedy : the genre not preferred by greeks, acropolis : the name of the site of the first theater in athens, orchestra : the original name of the performance space, acoustics : the word used to describe how sound travels around a space, aristophanes : a famous greek playwright, year : the length of a greek play tour, project : what performers would need to do with their voice, chorus : the name of the group of people who would speak as one, narration : the chorus would provide .., toga : the name for the clothing worn by greeks, emotion : the masks would clearly show ...