Elements of Music and Composers Crossword Puzzle

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  • handel : composer of water music
  • form : the way different sections of music are put together to create the whole piece
  • vivaldi : composer of winter from the four seasons
  • absolute : music created to be pleasing and entertaining
  • bach : composer of goldberg variations
  • programmatic : music based on a non-musical idea such as a story, object, or character
  • concerto : a long piece of music played by one solo instrument and orchestra
  • italy : home country of vivaldi
  • harpsichord : precursor to the modern piano, this instrument produces sound by strings being plucked
  • cristofori : creator of the modern piano
  • melody : group of single notes that can be sung or played on an instrument.
  • rhythm : how long or short a note is supposed to last.
  • harmony : sounding of several notes at the same time (hint: chords)
  • piano : italian word meaning "soft" (hint: dynamic marking)
  • forte : italian word meaning "loud" (hint: dynamic marking)