Choir Terms Crossword Puzzle

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Choir Terms Crossword Puzzle

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  • alto: second highest section in a choir
  • december: the month that mr. grimm got married, the month of his birthday, and the month of the holiday concert
  • soprano: highest section in a choir
  • piano: a quiet dynamic
  • tempo: how fast or slow to sing a song
  • baritone: middle low section in a choir (lowest in middle school choir)
  • melody: main part of a song, accompanied by the harmony
  • blues: poster with a saxophone on it (blue)
  • dynamics: tell you how loud and quiet to sing a piece of music
  • harmony: accompanies the melody
  • rhythm: a beat pattern
  • forte: a loud dynamic
  • folk: poster with an accordion on it
  • bass: lowest section in a choir
  • key signature: tells you what key the song is in, uses sharps and flats
  • country: poster with a cowboy hat on it
  • jazz: poster with a saxophone on it (red)
  • time signature: made up of two numbers on top of each other, tells you how many beats are in a measure and what kind of note gets the beat
  • solfege: uses syllables do, re, mi, fa, so
  • choir: a group of singers (or the class you're in right now)
  • baseball: on fridays we play music _
  • tenor: highest male section in a choir
  • listening: singing is _ (also a poster)
  • grimm: your teacher's last name
  • classical: poster with a cello on it