Entertainment Crossword Puzzle
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- industry: a field of business or production, especially one that is large and includes many companies and work
- entertain: to organize enjoyment for someone through various means such as music, movies, or games
- viewer: a person who watches something, such as a movie or tv show
- genre: a category of artistic work, such as literature, music, or film, characterized by similar style or form
- predictable: something you do not really know, but can guess easily, because it's not original and too boring
- touching: something sad or too sweet, causing strong feelings of sympathy
- creator: a person who makes up something new, often used in reference to artists, writers, or inventors
- series: a set of related television shows where every new episode doesn't depend on the previous one
- ballet: a classical dance characterized by grace and soft gentle movements
- cassettes: small plastic cases containing magnetic tape used for recording and playing back audio or video content
- episode: a single installment of a television show or podcast, typically part of a larger series
- virtual reality: an artificial environment created using computer technology that simulates real-world experiences
- gig: a performance by a musician or group of musicians, typically at a nightclub or concert hall
- on display: available for public viewing or exhibition
- opera: a dramatic art form combining vocal and instrumental music, theater, and sometimes dance
- upload: to transfer data or files from a local computer or device to a server or website
- post: to publish or share content online, typically on social media or a blog
- services: the particular skills that someone can offer to others
- device: a piece of equipment or tool designed for a specific purpose, often electronic or mechanical in nature (mobile, laptop, etc.)