Theatre / Play Crossword Puzzle

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Theatre / Play Crossword Puzzle

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  • play : a piece of work written in dialogue form usually with a beginning, middle, and end, broken into one or more acts
  • comedy : a light and amusing play that typically has a happy ending
  • cast : the ensemble of actors who portray the roles in a play
  • director : the person who oversees the entire process of staging a play
  • house : the area in a theater where the audience sits
  • plot : the sequence of events in a play
  • theme : the underlying meaning of a play or literary work
  • diction : the actor's ability to be understood
  • conflict : the action when two opposing forces meet
  • blocking : actors' movement on stage
  • tableau : a still image or frozen moment created by posing still bodies
  • intention : what the character wants from the other characters in a scene
  • actor : the person portraying a role on-stage
  • cue : the signal an actor receives or uses to begin a line or movement
  • role : a part or character that an actor interprets for a performance
  • scene : the basic structural element of a play
  • playwright : a person who writes dialogue in the form of a play
  • set : physical environment in which the actors perform
  • props : physical items an actor interacts with on stage
  • rehearsal : time for the actors to practice a play for performance
  • tragedy : a form of a play or theater where the main character suffers a reverse or downfall
  • act : the major sections of a play