Rhythms Around the World Crossword Puzzle
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- dynamics: musical element for volume
- forte: musical term for loud
- piano: musical term for quiet
- concerto: a piece for soloist and orchestral accompaniment
- apito: leader's instrument in a samba band
- surdo: large low pitch drum used in samba bands
- bateria: name for a samba band
- modal: type of harmony that uses different scales to major and minor
- trill: type of ornament that rapidly alternates between two pitches
- diatonic: music that sticks to a major or minor key
- ostinato: a continually repeating musical pattern
- syncopation: rhythmic affect where the weak beats are accented
- drone: a sustained pitch that doesn't change
- stepwise: melodic movement that goes up or down a scale
- disjunct: melodic movement that uses leaps between notes
- bouzouki: a plucked greek string instrument with high pitch
- staccato: type of articulation where notes are played short and snappy